Review: Whitening Anti-perspirant Deodorant from Belo Essentials

May 17, 2013
Like many women out there, one of the things I just can't find myself being able to do is confidently and freely expose my underarms like celebrities seem to do so easily. We have to face facts: we're not rich celebrities that can have every inch of our bodies altered to perfection, and that includes perfectly white and smooth underarms.

However, Belo Essentials seems to have given us the next best thing with their line of whitening, anti-perspirant deodorants. Dubbed the "Belo Beauty Deo", it doesn't only promise to whiten or lighten underarms, but solve all problems such as 'chicken skin', redness, excess sweat and more!

Product description:
From the Belo Authority, a revolutionary anti-perspirant deodorant that effectively whitens underarms in just 7 days!
  • Expertly formulated to control darkening before it starts
  • Minimizes pores and soothes skin from plucking and shaving
  • Hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested
Prior to using this product, I wanted to achieve three things: whitening, smoothening, and of course the controlling of sweat and odor. So following its claim to work in seven days, I decided to give it a test run.

Local actress and model Anne Curtis-Smith endorsing the product

The deo line was released some time in 2012 and comes in two variants: roll-on (40ML or 25ML) and aerosol spray, the latter beng the newest variant released only just this year.

25ML roll-on

140ML aerosol

I personally prefer the aerosol spray because I've never been a big fan of roll-ons as they always either seem to stain my clothing and/or take forever to dry. Cue me needing to keep my arms up as much as possible in the bathroom for at least five minutes to wait for it to dry! The Belo roll-on wasn't any different in terms of drying time, but so far it hasn't stained any of my clothes which is great.

So did this 'beauty deo' do as it claimed for me? After using it twice a day everyday for one week, here's what I noticed...
  1. I saw about 10%-20% visible lightening of my underarms. Nothing drastically noticeable, but enough for me to see the slight change.
  2. The hair that grew back was much softer and therefore, made hair removal (I alternatively wax and epilate) easier.
  3. I've never had rough or dry underarms to begin with, but I did notice my underarms became a little smoother.
  4. Controls sweat the whole day. Even in the midst of a blazing hot, tropical summer or after a hard day at the gym, at most my underarms would become a little damp. The product claims "24 hour protection" too, but I have yet to test this claim. I highly doubt it can hold up for that long, particularly if you sweat easily like me, but who knows?
Always remember that the effects of any product will differ for every person, so this may prove more or less effective for you compared to me.

  • It managed to lighten my underarms a little and made them smoother.
  • It effectively controls sweat the whole day and therefore, odor.
  • My hair grew back finer and softer and made hair removal easier, especially for someone with sensitive underarm skin like me.
  • It doesn't stain clothing.
  • All the variants are affordable.

  • The aerosol can sometimes leave white 'marks' on your underarms if you spray too close and/or too much, as if you put on baby powder there and didn't remove it all. 
  • The roll-on takes some time to dry properly. At least 5-10 minutes for me.

Price: (to be edited), Purchased from: Watsons (SM Makati)


  1. Lucie SrbováFriday, May 17, 2013

    I have never heard of this brand. Great rewiev. :)

    Style Without Limits

  2. This sounds AMAZING!! I wish we had these here in the UK, it's such a good idea.. I really could do with something like this :( xx

    Gemma | ♥ International MAC RiRi Woo giveway on my blog!

  3. Whitening products are everywhere here, from bath soaps to deodorant. I didn't notice a lot of them in the UK, for obvious reasons, but I think they should still have them for fair ladies who might actually need them!

  4. It's a local brand here in the Philippines. :)

  5. Crissy MichelleTuesday, May 21, 2013

    Wow, I've never seen this before. thanks for sharing!

    I would also like to invite you over to check out my blog and enter my giveaway for 6 NYX Lippies.

    ♥ Crystal Michelle ♥

  6. I've just joined. Thanks for the invite! :)

  7. How much did it whiten your underarm? I want to try this one

  8. Only slightly, just enough for me to notice if I really looked out for the effect. It more of lightened my underarms, rather than 'whitened' it.

  9. I haven't seen this Brand here! However its a great review :)

  10. I'm not a huge fan of bleaching type products as they can be harmful at times, but I used lemon and that seems to work really well for me!

  11. I'm using the same product for few months already. I actually didn't notice any lightening effect but I love it the fact that even if I won't use this the next day, no bad smell to notice :p

  12. Hi very nice review! <3 GiG

  13. Nice post. I tried belo products before but stopped since i dont notice big changes at all. to tell you, i have no super smooth white UA but since i started using glutamax deo plus scrubbing my UA gently with a luffa, i must say, i can somewhat confidently wear sleeveless more compared before. it also did wonders to my sister too. her UA is really sooooo bad, but after using glutamax and the luffa, hell yeah, her underarms are waaaaay way way lighter now. so, i recommend you to try it. Though the only thing that they have is a roll on. so... hm...

  14. Agree witht eh roll on comment I always prefer the sprays :)

    <3 Becky #GIG

  15. I saw that Belo aerosol deo, but I was skeptical since I had allergic reactions to their facial wash. I was wondering if you've tried the Dove deo spray? been wanting to try that. BTW, thank you so much for dropping by my blog and for your kind words, I really appreciate it ^_^

    Random Beauty by Hollie

  16. Thank you! It's a local brand, only available here in the Philippines. XO

  17. I've tried a few of Dove's deo sprays before, but none of them have been that effective in keeping my underarms dry so I stopped using them. Which one are you asking about specifically?

    And you're welcome! I hope those people didn't get you down too much or discourage you. You have a great blog after all! XO

  18. Agreed! But I think I've found my perfect one with this so far. XO

  19. Both variants have their pros and cons, but in the end I'll always prefer aerosol sprays. XO

  20. Oh, really? I always see Glutamax around but I've never tried it. I haven't read any reviews on it either so I wasn't sure if it was effective or not. Thanks though, will check it out asap then! XO

  21. Good to hear that it lasts longer than a day! I guess the 24 hour claim is true then. XO

  22. I've tried the classic lemon method before, unfortunately it didn't do anything for me. I guess I need something much stronger that involves a more complicated mix of chemicals, haha. XO

  23. well, yeah, it did wonders in my and sister's armpits lalala~ XD but one key to have a lighter UA is always scrub off and remove the deo residues every single time you put it on :) it helps, really.. ^^ and it is also nice to give your UA some rest and stay away from deos. I don't put it on when im just staying at home :) hehehe

  24. I've seen Anne Curtis' billboard all over. I am using Dove and I am happy with it sometime beauty deo causes my underarms to darken maybe because of Alcohol content? I don't know. haha

  25. Interesting. Personally, I don't use deodorant because of the unsafe ingredients in them, I use a deodorant I make myself and then I just take really good care of my hygiene (exfoliating w/ baking soda, etc). Mine improved so much!

  26. I've read that alcohol in deos can cause darkening for some people actually, so yes, that may be the case for you. I wish Dove worked for me too because I do like the brand a lot! :)

  27. That's great to hear! And you save money in the long run because you make it yourself. Glad it works for you! :)

  28. Same here. Whenever I'm at home, and since I have the AC on most of the time anyway, I don't slap on any deo. Haha. Thanks, Liz! :)

  29. haha slaaaap XD alright no prob ;) i'll try post an underarm care someday... you're brave to share everything about UA's here in your blog... hehe

  30. i'm using dove...but thinking of actually making my own because of all the crap that is in deodorants..

  31. Very in-depth review :)

  32. Alright... I'll try.. hmm hehe thanks!

  33. Alright... I'll try.. hmm hehe thanks!

  34. Thank you for the review I can def see the pros and cons of this deodorant. I use Dove

  35. Hey!!! Nice Stuff. I use the scents and noticed that if I rub some on the inside of my shirt or sweater, the scent really lasts. I usually just take a dab and rub it in my hands and then 'wipe' it off on my jeans, my shirts, etc. I do this in addition to putting it directly on my skin on the pulse points. I love the perfumes and deodorants! To purchase online best perfume for men, Gift sets, Dryfurits and many more and women in india visit our online Store Drag2Kart.Com

  36. Hey!!! Nice Stuff. I use the scents and noticed that if I rub some on the inside of my shirt or sweater, the scent really lasts. I usually just take a dab and rub it in my hands and then 'wipe' it off on my jeans, my shirts, etc. I do this in addition to putting it directly on my skin on the pulse points. I love the perfumes and deodorants! To purchase online best perfume for men, Gift sets, Dryfurits and many more and women in india visit our online Store Drag2Kart.Com

  37. Hi, i just purchased this deodorant last week. Is it really necessary to have your underarms that laser stuff? i'm just using tweezers, is it okay? your reply would really mean to me. And, love the review.
