My March SaladBox

April 09, 2013
Time for another SaladBox post! Though it's already April, I only received my SaladBox for March yesterday. I actually paid for a February box but I was informed that they were sold out already so they said I'd get the next box, which was for March. But for some reason, I never received it during the month of March. I actually e-mailed them twice asking about it until it finally arrived. So yes, there was a two month delay after I paid! This is an added reason for why I've started considering subscribing to the seemingly more popular BDJ Box or Glamourbox instead. Both tend to carry brands I'm much more interested in anyway, but the BDJ Box in particular gets sold out fast. In fact, the May boxes are already gone! Hm, I guess I'll decide soon which one I'd rather go for.

Anyway, here's the SaladBox un-boxing for March! From the initial opening of it, I'm already more impressed compared to the last box I received back in October of last year.

Though I've heard nothing but good things about Carmex, I've never purchased any of their balms yet! So far, the Nivea lip balms are my absolute favorite, but I'm glad they included this as I finally got the chance to try it. However, despite the fact that it moisturizes really well, it seems to leave a particular and unpleasant minty taste in my mouth the moment I apply it to my lips. Mind you, I didn't even lick my lips and yet I could taste it. Strange! But, I do like how it has added SPF in it.

ALYSSA ASHLEY is another brand I've been curious about as I see these fragrances in practically every department store. I love the scent of this musk! Not too heavy, and not too delicate at the same time. I think it's perfect for an everyday fragrance.

I was very excited they included 2 bottles of lotion from Avon's Skin So Soft line! I've been wanting to try one of their lotions for a while now and I can't wait to give this a test run. If I like it, I'll definitely be purchasing a full-sized bottle, particularly from their lotions which are supposed to firm and tone up the skin.

It was also perfect timing for them to include this (organic) Tomato Soap Acne-Cleansing Bar from Mir & Ryvi because I've been breaking out a little recently! According to the instructions, you're supposed to wash your face (or body) with this and leave the soap on for 3 minutes before rinsing off. Also, since it's organic, Beauty Bar's website states that "If you are allergic to common acne cleansing bar that has benzoyl peroxide, Erythromycin or Salycid Acid , this is the best natural alternative for you." I'm planning to put aside my usual Neutrogena facial cleanser for a while and use this regularly until I finish it up. If I like it, I'll purchase a full-sized bar and do a proper review!

Saving the best for last! This Sophia Eyelash Enhancer from Virginia Olsen claims that it can thicken and lengthen your lashes in as little as 8 weeks, and that full results can be seen in 16 weeks. Apparently this is also the full size version already, so I'm very pleased I can give this a full test run and do a proper review of it soon as well!

So what did you guys think? Which product from the box do you think you'd like the most? Did you also get your March SaladBox for this year? If so, what's your favorite pick from it and why? I'd love to know!


  1. I have read good things about the Sophia eyelash enhancer. Please post a review on it! :)

  2. I've seen a few reviews on it myself and they all basically said it was effective for them so I definitely will try it out and write up a review! x

  3. Woah lucky you got the VO on this box! Maybe I have to try subscribing next month. :D I haven't got my VO which I bought from Ensogo. :/

  4. I felt even luckier when I found out it was a full-sized product too! I thought it was only a trial product and that I'd only get to try it out for a little bit and have to end up purchasing the full-size right after. Good luck and fingers crossed with getting it yourself, dear! x

  5. You've waited 2 months for the box?! I tried getting a carmex lip balm from when they offered free samples last March 25. I paid for shipping via paypal. 2 weeks have passed and still no trace of my freebie :(

  6. I did! I didn't mind that the February box was sold out because in truth, I ordered mid-February already and usually by that time it's too late. Mid-March I e-mailed them saying I haven't received my box yet and they replied reassuring me that I'd get it by the end of the month. During the first week of April I e-mailed them again saying I still didn't have it and they said they'd check with their courier service. A few days later, I finally got it.

    I think SB has some serious issues to sort out in terms of their delivering of products. It's a definite problem if they can't even give you free samples on time! I'm guessing that's why the other subscription boxes such as BDJ are a bit more expensive, because you're paying for more efficient service! x

  7. Ohh, eyelash enhancer. Looking forward to your review on that!

  8. I'm looking forward to trying it out! x

  9. How much for subscribe ?

  10. The plan I use is "SaladBox Lite" since I don't have a credit card. Meaning I pay via bank deposit and it's PHP500.00 for every box that I want to purchase per month. There are other plans such as as "SaladBox Starter Plus" which means you pre-pay PHP1,500 for three consecutive boxes already. All their plans are here: x

  11. Eyelash Enhancer..Interesting, I have been wanting to try one :)

  12. OMG there's ANOTHER one of those boxes haha I wonder if any of these are available in Australia...


  13. This is great! I havent heard about this box before...



  14. I used to want to get myself eyelash extensions, but after hearing that you have to very careful with them (can't use mascara, curl them too much, etc.) I decided otherwise so this is the next best thing, I think!

  15. If I'm not mistaken, Mir & Ryvi seems to be the only local brand (?) so more than likely at least some of these are available in Australia. Hope you find them! x

  16. It's only available in the Philippines and I think it was the first local subscription beauty box here. x

  17. oh i didn’t know about this box, it’s hard to keep up with them hehehehe the eyelash enhancer sounds interesting!

    Big hugs <3

  18. The trend is definitely growing, at least locally, which makes me happy! I hope to see more and better subscription boxes popping up in the near future. x

  19. Yours is quite different from my March box though some of the items in your box were already in my previous boxes. I'm glad that this month's is much much better than the ones before. :P

  20. I think that's another issue SaladBox should deal with, the consistency of the items in the boxes. Fair enough if maybe they run out of samples for some boxes, if that's possible, but I think some people will feel 'ripped off' if they're expecting certain products in a box and they don't get it...oh well! I'm at least more satisfied with this box than my last one, haha. x

  21. I've never heard of SaladBox before - I'm so excited to learn more!

  22. If I decide to subscribe to another box, I'll keep posting about it! x

  23. The eyelash enhancer is super worth it ^_~

  24. of all boxes available locally, i hear more bad reviews about saladbox's service and product contents. personally, i think it's not in keeping with the idea of sampling if the box would carry two full sized items! #gig

  25. Haven´t heard of these products before, and I don´t know how to get a box. As I can´t say how to get one in Norway.

  26. Oh, really? That doesn't surprise me then after my experience. Perhaps investing a bit more in the other subscription boxes is definitely worth it. And yes, though I'll admit it's quite a treat to receive a full sized product, it does defeat the whole purpose of "sampling"! x

  27. Unfortunately, they're only available in and ship within the Philippines. However, if you have an acquaintance here, you can always ask them to order it for you and ship it over. Good luck! x

  28. I'd love to hear how the tomato soap works out!

  29. So far, coupled with my usual acne cream, it seems to be working! But I think I'm also developing an allergic reaction to it because my cheeks are red and swollen now...

  30. Love the musk and skin so soft. Have not hear of tomato soap...must be a purpose...great box..Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose

  31. Had no idea what a saladbox was

  32. i got curious about some of the products hehe

  33. So far I'm loving the Avon lotion and Alyssa Ashley fragrance the most! x

  34. So many amazing pieces. I would love to try that fragrance. :)

  35. have Carmex and the eyelash enhancer. Your beauty box are even better than what my country have :(

  36. Looking at your posts, I'm jealous of all the products you get to buy so easily! Haha. x

  37. I think it's something I'll be purchasing a full-sized bottle of! x

  38. you're from philippines too.. hehe i thought you're from other the country until i read the BDJ and glamourbox... hehe it's my first time to hear about salad box. great items! :)

    -from #Gig
    Btw, join my on going giveaway:
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  39. I am! And thanks, dear. Will check them out! x

  40. Egle VenslovaiteFriday, April 12, 2013

    Great box!

    It would be very interesting to read review of eyelash enhancer :)

    Greetings from Beauty blog hop!!!

  41. GabsG(BeautyMadness)Friday, April 12, 2013

    That is such a nice box! You have a lovely blog :) Dropping by from Beauty Bloggers Blog Hop.

    New follower with GFC

  42. I can't wait to review it myself! Thanks for following! x

  43. Thank you! Following you right back, dear. x

  44. I'm really interested to try these salad boxes, samplers, etc. Yay! Though I dunno if I can maintain all these skin care routines hohoho. :)

    I'm your newest follower dear. Happy weekend :)

  45. I'm very strict with my skin care, even if my skin isn't the best, and I'm always on the lookout for new products to try hence I love sample/subscription boxes!

    And thank you! I followed you back too. x

  46. Amazing stuff! I have never heard of this box before but will be checking it out, great post xx

  47. Nice box. I'm quite interest in that tomato soap and sounds like a unique product.

  48. It is! But unfortunately, after using the soap, my skin got a bad reaction to it and it's been trying to heal for a few days...I don't know if it's just too strong or I'm allergic to a certain ingredient in it, but I'm never using it again! It's ironic too because it's supposed to be organic. x

  49. Thanks, dear! I followed your blog by the way. x

  50. Great box!! Tomato soap!! xoxo Nat #GIGlove

  51. the tomato soap sounds interesting!

  52. Glad to see that you eventually got your box. I stopped my subscription to them because they always send the boxes late - like at the end of the month :( The product offering seems to have improved though.

  53. Natalie JerebicMonday, April 15, 2013

    I've heard such great thing about Carmex! I've always wanted to try an eyelash growth serum! Great blog, I am your newest follower via the Monday Beauties Blog hop! :)

  54. Thanks! I've already followed you, dear. x

  55. Great products! I know the tomato soap would definitely work!!

  56. looks like you got some nice goodies :) lovely blog you have here my dear!

    B xxx

  57. Thank you! Your blog is amazing. Followed! x

  58. Ohhh that eyelash enhancer seems intriguing! :)
    I wonder if they really work. I tried one product before, it didn't seem to be much helpful.

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  59. Vanessa Billie-Jill-JeanWednesday, April 17, 2013

    Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  60. Oh wow I LOVE the name of this box, it's brilliant! I love what you got, that eyelash enhancer looks amazing xx
    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  61. It's either an allergic reaction or it's just simply too strong for my skin. My cheeks were red, dry and sore for almost a week and I couldn't use any products on it, not even moisturizer, because it made it sting.

  62. I'm not sure who's behind it, but perhaps! I may not be purchasing from them again. The other subscription boxes seem like a better investment to me. :)

  63. could be. I tried a toner from a very famous all-natural/direct selling brand, and I had some kinda irritation- to think it's all natural. But my friend who is a derma said it could be also a late reaction from some commercial products that has many chemicals. So I switched to other natural toner since I was pregnant. thanks for sharing

  64. maybe there must be a disclosure
